Allocation Model XML Example

An explanation of the XMLconfiguration needed to offer models in allocations is shown below.

  • <Models> Begins the offering and filter of models in the allocation structure.
  • <ModelLimit>[Integer]</ModelLimit> Limits the number of models that a user will be able to select.
  • <ValueRanges><Percent MINIMUM="[Constant ]" MAXIMUM="[Constant]"/> Use this to set Min/Max limits on how much a user can allocate.
  • </ValueRanges> Closes the ValueRanges section.
  • <ModelCriteria> This starts a filtering configuration for models to limit or define what model a user sees.
  • <ModelFields> In this section, configure only fixed model fields as criteria for the models an OIPA user will have for allocation selection.
  • <ModelField FieldName="[Model Name]" DATATYPE="[TEXT(DEFAULT)|..]" OPERATOR="[Equal|NotEqual|Like]"> Name the field from AsModelDefinition and use an operator to filter the funds the user will see.

  • <Value>[Literal or Policy:PolicyField]</Value> List the value of the model field listed above that will be used for fund selection.

  • <Value>[Literal or Policy:PolicyField]</Value> This demonstrates repeatability of this element.
  • </ModelField> This closes the Model Field section.
  • <ModelField FieldName="[Model Category ]" DATATYPE="[TEXT|INTEGER|..]" OPERATOR="[Equal|NotEqual|Like]"> This demonstrates repeatability of this element.

  • <Value>[Literal or Policy:PolicyField]</Value> This demonstrates repeatability of this element.

  • </ModelField>
  • </ModelFields>
  • <ModelStatuses TYPE="[INCLUDE|EXCLUDE]"> The attribute allows inclusion or exclusion of the following models according to their status.
  • <ModelStatus>[Model status as in AsCodeModelStatus]</ModelStatus> The status code listed on the Plan Model Link Status pane for the allocation, but the code value is derived from AsCodeModelStatus.
  • <ModelStatus>[Model status as in AsCodeModelStatus]</ModelStatus>

  • </ModelStatuses>

  • </ModelCriteria>

  • </Models>